A Storytelling Session is all about spending quality time with your family. It takes the emphasis off being photographed, which can sometimes be uncomfortable for little ones, and puts it on an activity your family loves to do together. It’s a completely candid look at the love and connection between family members and it’s the easiest way to do family photos because it’s all about having fun.  

For a Storytelling Session, I highly recommend that families decide on an activity they will do together prior to their session. The activity doesn’t need to be highly structured.  It could be having ice cream at the Terrace, flying a kite, raking leaves, building a snowman, or even something as simple as making pancakes in your pajamas.  Any activity that brings you together as a family will be perfect for this type of session.  Just having a plan allows us to jump right into the fun.  And it gets everyone pumped for family time!

We will talk prior to your session so I can learn more about your family and what you like to do together. Once you schedule your session, your job is done.  During the session you can just enjoy your family, and I’ll photograph what life looks like for you all at this moment in time.  It is super easy because all you have to do is be yourself!



Storytelling Session
2-hour Session
Editing and post processing
Private online viewing gallery
Digital download of all images in your gallery
Print Release

Prints and Products sold separately- please inquire