Oh, Hello Again!
January 30, 2019
Seeing the same families year after year is one of my favorite things about being a photographer. My camera has introduced me to so many awesome families, and I’m not gonna lie- I get attached. So when I get that call from a family I’ve worked with in the past I have a hard time containing my excitement- Reunion Baby! I can’t wait to see how much the kids have grown and to find out what they are into these days. And even though the kids are bigger and more self sufficient, I am often struck by how their personalities stay pretty much the same. I love seeing slightly older faces wearing the same facial expressions year after year.
This past December I had a reunion with The Waggle Family. My eagerly anticipated visit was every bit as much fun as always. I mean, they live in a cheerful yellow house with a “Chez Waggle” sign on the front, need I say more? I adore this family!
It had been almost two years since I’d done a documentary style session with this family, and while I was editing their photos I felt compelled to look back at their previous session. The present was so very clearly a reflection of the past- there were the same facial expressions I remembered from before and tell-tale similarities in their interactions.
The Waggles made cookies back in 2016 (left) and again in 2018 (right). This last time it was fun to see Mom sit down and engage in conversation. The girls are so much more independent now.
She’s grown up quite a bit, but Big Sister still gets googly eyed at the sight of sugar!
And Little Sister still gets down right giddy!
Little Sister is still playing the piano and wearing her hair in a side braid. Her feet still don’t reach the pedals, but they are getting much closer. And Mom is able to be more of a passive observer now.
Big Sister is still playing the violin (but not in a leotard this time). She’s playing in the orchestra at school too! I was excited to hear about that, and she made me laugh talking about how boring it was because most of the kids are just learning.
Some of the things Big sister did in 2016 (left) she has outgrown. But in 2018 (right) Little Sister has happily filled that empty space.
They still spent lots of time together as a family, but it looks very different. In 2018 (right) the girls joke and make sarcastic comments with the parents in way they weren’t yet able to back in 2016 (left). I look forward to seeing what The Waggle family will look like in another two years.